
Create scannable QR Code Art effortlessly, without the need to pre-create QR codes. Using the most advanced AI model V4, it generates scannable QR Art that seamlessly blends or hides the QR code

The Easy Way

  1. Type `/quickqrart` and select the suggested command from the list.

  2. Select a qr_type from the list (Link, Text, Email, Phone, or SMS).

  3. Select a qr_preset from the list or choose "custom" to personalize the QR Code Art using command options.

  4. Enter the content of your QR code Art in qr_content. Or your can copy the content of your existing QR code with this guide https://qra.ai/multi-purpose.

  5. Type keywords in the prompt field to guide the AI in generating the QR Art. You can bypass it by entering a period (.).

Enhance your QR Art:


On Mobile

Any purpose QR Code Arts

Please follow below guide to see all the guides to create QR code arts with Link, Text, Email, Phone, SMS, and special purposes QR code art like Whatsapp, Zoom, WeChat, Bank Account, etc

Any purpose QR Code Arts

The Fun Way: Customize your QR Code Art using the /quickqrart Options:


preset: Choose a Preset for stunning QR Art or select none for a raw prompt experience.

QR Code Custom options (take affect when qr_preset is set to custom)

Remember, the input QR Code and padding area significantly influence the QR Art's appearance. Customize your QR Code Art with below options for unique creations!

QR Padding Level

custom_padding_level: Select padding level for QR art (0 to 4, default is 1).

QR Pixel Style

custom_pixel_style: Select pixel style for unique QR code art (square, rounded, dot, squircle, row, column).







QR Marker Shape

custom_marker_shape: Select marker shape for unique QR code art (square, circle, plus, box, octagon, random, tiny-plus).








QR Sub Marker

custom_sub_marker: Select sub-marker style for unique QR code art (square, circle, box, random, plus).

QR Rotate

custom_rotate: Select rotation degree for unique QR code art (0, 90, 180, 270 anti-clockwise, default is 0).

QR Error Correction Level

custom_ecl: Select QR code error correction level (% tolerance, 7%, 15%, 25%, 30%, default is 30%).

QR Padding Noise

custom_padding_noise: Select padding level for QR art (0 to 1, default is 0).

Last updated